3520 Spring Forest Road
Raleigh, North Carolina 27616
Call us at 919-872-2747
Open Monday thru Friday 10-5,
Saturday 10-5, and Sunday 1-5.
Call us at 919-872-2747.
Please visit our store for the best selection in educational supplies for the home and classroom! Online shopping is also available for local school ordering!
We work one-on-one with schools to get teachers what they need!
Whether you're with a school looking to submit a purchase order, needing direct pay options, or prefer to set up an invoicing account, The "teach me" Store is here to help!
Teachers, did you know that The "teach me" Store has been a vendor with the Wake County School System since 1991? We are also an approved vendor with Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Orange, Nash, Vance, and Wilson County School Systems. You can contact your school administrator to see what purchasing options that they may have with us. Or, if you don't see your school system listed here please let us know and we'll see what we can do for you!

Each school may have different purchasing needs, and so we have several options that we hope will work for you!

Purchase Orders: Best for public schools using specific funding. Open and itemized POs may be accepted upon the submission to and approval by issuing school or county.
Direct Pay: Great for qualifying public and private schools needing to get an order quickly. All orders will require approval by school administration and store management.
Invoicing Accounts: Available for preschool, daycare, and private school institutions. Qualifying accounts can be set up on terms or can chose to pay by credit card. Certain restrictions and/or order minimums may apply. Contact the store today and ask for a school account application!
Purchasing options are available for school PTAs as well. Please see our School/PTA Support page for information.